Can we stake WMTX to an EarthNode and a mobile plan to get both benefits?

The website isn’t very clear on staking, so I’m hoping for some clarification…

If we stake WMTx to an EarthNode, can we also stake to a mobile plan at the same time and get both rewards? Or do we have to pick one?

Also, can the same WMTX be staked twice, or does it need to be separate tokens? And can it all be done from the same wallet?

Hi @Kyle_Oglar,

No, the same WMTx cannot be staked to both an EarthNode and a mobile plan at the same time. Staking is exclusive—once your WMTx is staked to one option, it cannot be used for another.

However, you can split your WMTx between different staking options. For example, you could stake a portion to an EarthNode and another portion to your mobile plan, but they must be separate amounts of WMTx.

Regarding wallets, it is TBC. If I had a guess, it will need to be from different wallets but we shall see.

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Thanks for the reply.
So, to confirm: if I want to get staking rewards from both an EarthNode and my mobile plan, I’ll need to split my WMTx into two separate amounts, right? And I’ll keep an eye out for the official word on the wallet requirements. Thx