How is the ROI for Spark Nodes calculated?

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to better understand how the return on investment for Spark Airnodes is calculated. From what I’ve seen on telegram, there’s mention of a 42% APY, but how does that break down in terms of monthly income or timeframe to breakeven?

Also, is it possible to reinvest the income from Spark Nodes to build more revenue over time? If anyone has insights or examples of how this works, I’d love to hear them. Thanks!


The 42% APY is based on the initial cost of a Spark Node (around $62.99 per unit at max). Right now, the monthly income is about $1.70 per node. It might not sound like much at first, but it’s all about scaling. The breakeven point is roughly 2.5–3 years. If you do the math, $62.99 divided by $1.70 is about 37 months, or three years. It’s a bit quicker if you bought a larger batch of Sparks because the price decreases.

And yes, reinvesting is definitely an option! You can use the income from your nodes to buy more. That’s the strategy I’m planning to go with!


Note that all Sparks nodes earn the same rewards, unlike other AirNodes where earnings depend on usage and traffic. A 40% APY is exceptionally strong in real-world terms. You can find a detailed calculation of earnings per subscriber here:

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